

Malerei Acryl auf Melamin Roberto Leonardi 2011

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The most difficult thing in my life was surrendering,

but when I did it, I felt a great peace overwhelming me.

Malerei Acryl auf Melamin  Roberto Leonardi 2011

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Acryl auf Melamin 2009 Roberto Leonardi


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Sinnespuren Seele spüren

Fotografie Roberto Leonardi 2008


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Fotografie und Layout Roberto Leonardi 2009


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Im Herzen wächst die Kunst


Fotografie und Malerai Roberto Leonardi 2011


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Das eigentlich Wertvolle ist im Grunde die Intuition.

The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you and you don’t know how or why.
Albert Einstein

Fotografie Roberto Leonardi 2012

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painting is self-discovery

every good artist painting

what he is.

Fotografie und Layout Roberto Leonardi 2012



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Tempo bringt uns nicht voran

Fotografie Roberto Leonardi 2012


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Am Bosporus

Fotografie Roberto Leonardi 2012

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